Published on 21st of February, 2024

Creative Instagram Post Ideas to Help You Keep Engagement High

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Part of running a successful social media page for your company is keeping engagement high. While buying likes, comments, and shares can help, they can only do so much. For the best results, you need to combine those strategies with the right Instagram posts, specifically posts that naturally attract engagement.

We’ve gathered some of the best and most creative Instagram post ideas that will help you maximize engagement at all times.

1. Don’t Forget About Your Stories

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To start, don’t limit your engagement goals to your main feed. You also want to set some engagement goals for your Instagram Stories, as they make it incredibly easy to get engagement. After all, Instagram lets you include questions and polls.

2. Use Instagram Live

Instagram Live is yet another tool for boosting engagement on more than just your regular feed. After all, you can directly interact with your followers on Instagram. For the most engagement, announce the Instagram Live ahead of time and consider collaborating with other influencers or brands. You can even host a workshop or Q&A session on Instagram live.

  • Post a Save-the-Date

    As mentioned, you will want to promote or announce livestreams ahead of time. Feel free to do so in your Stories, but don’t forget to make a normal post as well. After all, the story will disappear, but the post will remain.

3. Giveaways

If engagement is your ultimate goal, give your Instagram followers an incentive to engage with your post. The simplest solution for this is to host a giveaway and require followers to comment or engage with your brand in order to participate. You can choose the type of engagement to require, whether shares, comments, or likes.

4. Make a Challenge

person holding gold trophy

You don’t even need to give something away to boost engagement. Consider creating a challenge with a specific hashtag. Your followers participate to feel like they are part of the community and grow their own followers.

Of course, create a challenge that is relevant to your brand or industry. So, a fashion brand could make a challenge where followers style an outfit around a basic item many people have in their closet, like a simple white T-shirt. Or a fitness brand could make a challenge encouraging followers to post themselves working out in the outdoors.

5. Share User-Generated Content

The point of a challenge is to accumulate a portfolio of user-generated content. The bonus here is that many of your followers probably want their content to be shared more widely. If you encourage user-generated content, you are likely to get plenty of responses.

The other advantage of this strategy is that when you tag the user in the content they generate, you get to expand your following. Their followers are likely to interact with your post and maybe even start following you.

6. Memes

An excellent way to get interactions on Instagram is to post something that people find interesting and relatable, such as memes. Companies have been sharing memes on their social media pages for some time now, and they are growing in popularity.

The key is to do so in moderation and not overrun your Instagram page with memes. Otherwise, your profile will turn into an industry meme account, not a business account.

7. Follow and Post Trends

Another type of fun, relatable content that should boost your engagement is anything having to do with current trends. From popular choreography to songs and audio, this content is great for your Instagram Reels or Stories. It will work even better if you can somehow adapt the trend for your brand or industry.

8. Ask Questions

man holding his chin facing laptop computer

When your goal is engagement, one of the easiest options is to make a post that encourages your audience to write a comment. The simplest way is to ask your audience a question in the post or story.

You can ask about their favorite product from your brand or how they use your products. You can also kill two birds with one stone and ask for feedback about potential improvements for your brand.

9. Post Fill in the Blanks

Asking followers to fill in the blank is an extension of asking a question. For the best results, try to connect it to your industry or brand. For example, a restaurant could post “My favorite food is ____,” while a makeup brand could post “The one beauty product I couldn’t live without is _____.”

00. Get Creative Input

The questions you ask your followers need not be written. Consider getting them involved in the creative process. For example, you could ask them to vote on which photo to use in an upcoming ad campaign or which product to launch next. In addition to improving engagement, this type of post also makes your customers feel involved, encouraging brand loyalty.

11. Work With Influencers

Free photo smiling female influencer talking about beauty products while vlogging from home

Influencers already have high engagement on Instagram, which is why so many brands decide to work with them. But what about small businesses that may not have the budget for a big influencer? You have the option of looking into micro-influencers or local influencers instead.

12. Address Industry Myths

Simply creating content that is truly interesting to your audience and somewhat unique can be enough to boost engagement. Even better, if you regularly post interesting content, you will gain more followers. A great example of doing so and providing value is to address industry myths.

13. Share a Look Behind the Scenes

Showing your followers what goes on behind the scenes will also boost their interest. This will help your brand appear more realistic and approachable. Being humanized will boost engagement and grow your customers’ relationship with your brand, improving sales.

14. Share a Tutorial

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Another category of fun and useful content sure to boost engagement is tutorials. As a bonus, these give followers even more ways to use your products or get the most out of them. They are also incredibly helpful from a customer support perspective, as users may turn to the tutorial videos before reaching out to your support team.

Boost Instagram Engagement Today

With all these helpful ideas, you will be on your way to boosting your Instagram engagement. Put that engagement to good use in promoting your brand, attracting business partners and collaborations, and boosting sales.

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